Monday, August 30, 2010

James Callis on Twitter!

(He took his original tweets down so I took the original post down. I'm not sure what his plan is for now, but people are allowed to change their minds, and I have often wished I could erase or edit something from this blog after people read it. So I can relate. If his Twitter goes down, this post disappears too.)

So - James Callis! On Twitter! Here! I won't quote any tweets but it's very cute and very James, highly recommended. Deep thought mixed with silly jokes. Also: he likes rhymes. (Which goes well with his name. Even after two years as a fan, I giggle at the rhyminess of James Callis.)

What does his Twitter say about him? That he's pretty much like I expected. Which is kind of odd. I think it's because he sounds the same as in his Forum messages, so I knew what to expect. (And most likely the private James is different, and this is just his public persona.) He's following some pretty philosophical sites - Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, etc. - and seems very influenced by Oriental philosophy. Also: many book sites. (L)! Apparently he's also following WebMD and a family health thing, so maybe not as non-healthy as I imagined? And he seems politically liberal. Whew! I thought he would be, but you just never know. I'm not going to start a political debate with him or anything, but if he had been fiercely conservative, I may have been more than a little disappointed.

I still feel like a gushy fangirl every time I talk to him, so I try not to talk to him very much. (Not that I have all that much to say except "LOL" or "so true" to every tweet, so maybe it's best to shut up.) Most of his tweets bring a smile to my face though. It seems like a safe way to follow James without an uncomfortable closeness or distance. Which, ironically, was pretty much what the James imposter said about Twitter last year.

He still seems super nice and interesting based on the tweets. I'm a little surprised at this, because usually when you get more exposure to a celebrity, you realize how normal and boring they really are. I don't get that vibe with James. It might be because he doesn't post fiercely private or mundane stuff; if he tweeted things like "scratched my neck, wonder why it's itching", it might get tired real fast. (Incidentally, that's pretty much how I tweet.) On the other hand, when he mentioned cornflakes, I squeed at the fact that I, too, eat cornflakes. So I may be biased.

Some fan-feelings stuff here on my LJ, for those who care to read. I'm still very emotional, but I will post on Eureka soon, I think. Still very happy, it's just all new and I need to give things some thought.

1 comment:

Rishme said...

Huge Fan ..Met This Guy... When He was Shopping at a Well Known Super Market....All I did ask him was .. are you the guy from that famous show.. guy Just Took me for a fool and said no your mistaken.. rude , arrogant didn’t seem to have personable qualities.. but he did kind of reflected the character he played.. well looks like he lost a fan…
